Thursday 29 January 2009

Holga's Trip to Prague


A while ago I posted some photos I'd taken on my trip to Prague. However, it wasn't just my beloved 5D that came with me, I also took my Holga for it's first trip out.

For those of you wondering, a Holga is basically a very, very simple camera made entirely out of plastic. You focus it by choosing the picture of one person, three people or a tree. Choosing your aperture is a matter of choosing the picture of the sun, or a cloud. As you can imagine, there is a lot of pointing the camera at things and hoping for the best.

Much of what came back from the lab. was, frankly, rubbish! However, there were a few shots that, with a bit of Photoshop TLC, were magic. There is a "sweet spot" in the lens, which means only a certain point is ever in focus, the camera leaks light onto the film creating weird artifacts and it's incredibly easy to double expose frames. The results are photographs that you simply couldn't create any other way.

Now I'm really tempted to crack this open on a wedding! Don't worry, I'm not suggesting replacing my thousands of pounds worth of digital kit with a camera that cost... oh I think about £15. But I do think it could create some really beautiful and original wedding photographs. So, next time I find myself with a spare moment during a wedding, I may just get out my Holga...

Saturday 17 January 2009

Wedding Shows

I hope you've all had a good week. We've still been quite busy - finalising pictures for some weddings we did just before Christmas, sorting out albums, reviewing our marketing plans for the year and getting the photobooth section live on our site - and for those in the know then you will appreciate anything related to websites consumes time big style.

It is that time of year for wedding shows and we have several lined up. So if you're around then feel free to call in and say hi.

We have an Asian show tomorrow (Sunday) in Leicester -

We are attending two shows next Sunday (25th January) - one is at the Priest House Hotel, Castle Donington, and the other will be at the Village Hotel, Nottingham.

On Sunday 8th February we will be at Goosedale Hall - north of Nottingham.

On Sunday 1st March we will be at Prestwold Hall, Leicestershire.

On Sunday 29th March we will again be at two shows, one at Hodsock Priory and the other at Stamford Hall, Leicestershire.

On Sunday 5th April we will be at Stoke Rochford Hall.

I'm looking forward to all that Asian food tomorrow - although my wife is never that impressed when I come home...I wonder why?!

Hope you have a good week.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Photobooth by PureLight - is here....

I've created a section for Photobooth on our site - why not have a look. The pictures are really fun.

Sunday 11 January 2009


If you see the above sign on a page within our website and you really like it then just click the button and your selection will be registered on StumbledUpon. Neat, eh!

Ps - for those unsure or unaware, StumbleUpon is a site that enables people to select their favourite websites and find popular websites based on how many people have rated them. Think of it like a Top of the Pops for websites - the more people rate a particular site then the more it shows in searches, and so the more people get to see it. You have to sign up but it is free and hey you might find it useful too.