Tuesday 3 February 2009

Calling All Musketeers!


Well it's now February (and f-f-f-freezing). If you're anything like me that steely determination to become a paragon of fitness and virtue has seeped away. Never fear, help is at hand, with a unique way to keep fit whilst learning how to be the next C'pn Jack Sparrow.

A couple of years ago myself and Andrew (him indoors) decided we wanted to learn something new and do "something" vaguely sporting. We found a fencing club in Nottingham. We'd started out looking for dance classes, well I did, hoping to turn Andrew into the next Anton du Beck, but Andrew had different ideas and thought that attacking each other with swords was much more our style. It turns out he was right. Since then Andrew has started our very own club, right here in Newark on the Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire border. And now we're recruiting a brand new team of budding musketeers to join us in our new beginners' course.

Fencing is immense fun, and surprisingly hard work! It also looks pretty cool, which always helps! And it's a great way for couples to let off steam together. There's nothing like a sword fight to restore domestic harmony.

The Newark Advertiser has run a feature on the club, which you can find here

So what are you waiting for? We're taking new members up until 10th February and you can find more details here: www.fernwoodswordclub.co.uk or email us at fernwoodswordclub@hotmail.com


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