Friday 12 October 2007

PureLight's New Site

Welcome to the all-new website for PureLight. Samantha and I have been working together as professional photographers since last August and we created PureLight in April this year. So what is it all about, why did we do it and what does it mean for our customers, past, present and future.

We were both working as professional wedding photographers and found ourselves located in the same town, Newark in Nottingshamshire – both of us had recently moved to Newark about 2 years ago. Now it starts with LA Fitness – my wife is a keen member and Sam also went along. They got talking, as ladies do, and had a few coffees together. One thing lead to another, and this led to me helping Sam with a few of her bigger weddings towards the end of last year.

You don’t want to hear all the details, so just to say that we both wanted to create a larger and stronger business, and importantly we wanted to be able to offer a two-photographer team for couples, that is two fully professional photographers shooting at the same wedding.

The experience has been great, we have both learnt a huge amount from each other, and the larger size of business means we can do things that would otherwise be difficult – like this new website. We get some economies of scale that means couples get a much better and stronger business.

So what has the experience been like so far: we have had a great response from couples and people in general. We both want to produce the very best images we can for our couples and we both share a strong passion for photographs that really capture something special. We both want couples and their guests to really enjoy their wedding day, so that the photographs are part of the day but we don’t want them to take over. We both want to exceed our clients expectations and a business that people would recommend again and again.

So I hope you like our new website, we have put a lot of thought and effort to create something different and special.

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