Wednesday 17 October 2007

Some family snaps

Here are some of my favourite holiday pictures:-

We went to Disney!

Most of my pictures include people, but I have refrained from embarrassing my family too much by posting their pictures here. But this one caught my eye. It was taken several years ago and is a simple, everyday scene – but to me the way the picture was taken turns what could have been a snap into something more.

I like this picture simply because it tells an obvious story – our two dogs waiting very patiently for a walk.

This was also taken on holiday, whilst in Italy. I was standing by a very large lake and was looking for a composition that would make a good picture, which is tricky with large lakes. I then looked down and saw this jetty in front of my nose. It provided what I needed to turn what would have been a rather empty picture of a large lake. I like the black and white image, with the gentle graduation in tones across the picture.

I took this picture whilst on holiday in Maderia. It was a casual picture. I was looking around to see what was the best angle. I was stood above these men and looked down. I liked the composition and light. The picture has a degree of balance to it, to me at least. Composition and balance in a picture are important to me.

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